This Quantum Fluid Freezes When Heated
Physicists finally understand why heating a supercold quantum fluid freezes it into a solid
Physicists finally understand why heating a supercold quantum fluid freezes it into a solid
Our planet’s not-quite-circular orbit means that on July 6 we’ll be about 2.5 million kilometers farther from the sun than average—but we won’t feel any colder
The Euclid mission will probe dark energy and dark matter like never before, setting the stage for an international, multiobservatory push to solve some of the universe’s deepest mysteries...
The disk of our galaxy was long thought to produce these ghostly high-energy particles, but they haven’t been detected until now
Researchers, using the galaxy as a detector, believe they have detected gravitational waves from monster black holes for the first time.
Astrophysicists are tuning in to a never-before-seen type of gravitational wave spawned by pairs of supermassive black holes
The cold and mysterious Oort cloud at the edge of our solar system may be hiding a rogue planet
For most of us, aliens are a source of mystery and fun, which keeps them forever in vogue
Privately owned space colonies are more likely to be totalitarian nightmares than libertarian utopias
Professional and amateur astronomers alike are hoping that Comet C/2023 A3 will sparkle in Earth’s skies in the fall of 2024, although comets are notoriously difficult to predict
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