Field Notes from a Demographer in Training
Going out to interview people in rural Kentucky brought the dry population statistics I work with vividly to life
Going out to interview people in rural Kentucky brought the dry population statistics I work with vividly to life
It will kill many directly, but the effort to fight it will incur a huge toll on other aspects of our health and well-being
It reveals that they involve the amygdala, the prefrontal cortex, the posterior cingulate and the anterior temporal cortex
In times of great uncertainty, we should look beyond the data
Research on positive psychology may help prevent burnout
Psychologists can’t agree whether facial expressions reliably convey moods. But companies building emotion-recognition software aren’t waiting to find out
There is a superior way to motivate kids and make them feel proud about their accomplishments
Teens’ tech skills can help keep us stay close when we’re physically apart
Public health interventions can work in this poor and populous country—but only if the people are involved in designing and implementing them
Some famous musicians—from Mariah Carey to Jimi Hendrix—have a gift known as perfect pitch. What is it? Could you have it, too?
The ongoing effort to fight COVID-19 wins broad support, even across partisan divides
In an era of big research, having confidence in scientists, individually or collectively, involves trade-offs
A study on isolation’s neural underpinnings implies many may feel literally “starved” for contact amid the COVID-19 pandemic
From online journal clubs to “tweetorials” to conference updates, social media is changing the dissemination and discussion of biomedicine
How to find meaning in life through authentic and autonomous living
Getting people to comply with social distancing policies is basically an exercise in marketing
It worked for Shakespeare and Isaac Newton during plagues, but let’s not put more pressure on ourselves than we already have
The reason is a phenomenon called “solution aversion”
The pandemic is leading to an outbreak of age discrimination
Michael Marshall, project director of the Good Thinking Society in the U.K., talks about flat earth belief and its relationship to conspiracy theories and other antiscience activities.
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