Scientific American Magazine Vol 316 Issue 1

Scientific American

Volume 316, Issue 1

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Could Gene Therapy Cure Heart Disease?

Could Gene Therapy Cure Heart Disease?

Harnessing the organ's own healing properties may help prevent heart attacks and lessen the painful effects of severely narrowed coronary arteries

Why Robots Must Learn to Tell Us “No”

Don’t worry about disobedient machines. Devious human masters and misunderstood commands are the real threat

Tangled Up in Spacetime

Tangled Up in Spacetime

The collaborative project “It from Qubit” is investigating whether space and time sprang from the quantum entanglement of tiny bits of information

Building a Brain in the Lab

Scientists copy nature’s most complex organ in the hope of solving the mysteries of brain disorders, from autism to Alzheimer’s

Waging War on Wildlife Crime

Paleontologist-turned-politician Richard Leakey leads the charge in Kenya's war on poaching

How Birds Evolved from Dinosaurs

A remarkable fossil record of the dinosaurs that led to birds reveals how evolution produces entirely new kinds of organisms


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More Book Recommendations for January
Brains in a Jar May Help Fight Disease [Video]
How to Make Your E-Mail Really Secure
The Motor Vehicle, 1917 [Slide Show]
In Case You Missed It: A Rare Dino Discovery in Australia, Canada Announces a Carbon Tax--and More!
Veggies with Vision: Do Plants See the World around Them?
Monkeys Make Stone "Tools" That Bear a Striking Resemblance to Early Human Artifacts
Bats Benefit from Green Roofs
Could a Special Diet Replace Chemotherapy?
Gonorrhea, Chlamydia and Syphilis Are All on the Rise
NASA Plans to Build a Gigantic Space Telescope from 2 Tiny CubeSats
Hidden Side Effects: Medical Studies Often Leave Out Adverse Outcomes
The Remarkable Timing of Seals
50, 100 & 150 Years Ago
The Motor Vehicle in 1917; The Age of Holes in 1867
The Science of Health
Is Supercooling the Body an Effective Therapy?
It's Time to Admit That E-Mail Will Never Be 100 Percent Secure
Animal CSI: Forensic Scientists Catch Dog and Cat Abusers
Graphic Science
The Top-22 Air Polluters Revealed
Readers Respond to the September 2016 Issue
How to Convince Someone When Facts Fail
Anti Gravity
Baseball Confirms the Faber College Motto: Knowledge Is Good
Guns and Tasers Have No Place in Hospitals
The Science Agenda
It's Time to End Washington's Bad Habit of Changing NASA's Goals in Midstream
Brain Beauty: The Art of Neuroscience
From the Editor
After the U.S. Election, What's Next for Science?